AIA Austin’s Housing Advocacy Committee has developed a series of cards to help navigate Austin’s Land Development Code, Technical Code, and other development regulations. This series will be updated regularly.

CARD 0 | Regulations and Definitions
Land Development Code Definitions
Building Technical Codes and Local Amendments

CARD 1 | Base Zoning and Special Zoning
Property Profile Use this map to determine site/parcel zoning.
City of Austin Guide to Zoning
Regulating Plans

CARD 2 | Housing Density and Density Bonus Programs
Developer Incentive Matrix
City of Austin Guide to Zoning

CARD 3 | Watershed, Environmental + Sustainability

Watershed Protection Ordinance
Austin Energy Green Building
AIA Austin Tree Templates
Environmental Criteria Manual

CARD 4 | Subchapter E & Compatibility
Land Development Code Subchapter E (Municode)